Are you looking for help, but not sure where to turn?
Our staff is made up of experts in a variety of areas including behavior disorders, learning disabilities, ADHD, relationship struggles, and depression.
We have been helping to change lives for more than two decades – use the link below to find out if we are a good fit for your needs.
Counseling Services
For some, the thought of therapy seems intimidating or perhaps they believe that there is a stigma attached to those who are seeking help from trained counselors. It is our goal to create an environment of trust where you can find the help you need.

Individual psychotherapy can be helpful when you are struggling with personal problems or life transitions such as marriage, divorce, career change or geographical move. It can be of crucial help when you are dealing with anxiety and depression that interferes with your job, school, or relationships. We offer grief counseling for those who are dealing with personal loss. We provide services for those struggling with compulsive sexual behaviors. We also offer various testing and evaluation services for adults, including psychological, psycho-educational, premarital, executive functioning, vocational, and attention deficit assessments.

Children & Adolescents
Counseling with adolescents or children requires a set of tools that is distinctly different than those used when helping adults. Younger children especially have less sophisticated verbal abilities than adults, but many of the same emotional or behavioral challenges. Adolescents may be much more selective about what to communicate and with whom. Child and adolescent therapists have experience in navigating these barriers. Our therapists know how to work through a wide range of problems with these age groups. We also offer psychological, psycho-educational, executive functioning, and attention deficit assessments for children and adolescents.

Families & Couples
Family therapy is often helpful when young children or adolescents are having problems with behavior at home or at school, difficulty with studies, peer pressures or drug or alcohol abuse. If you are older, family therapy can help you work out problems with adult children or aging parents.
Marital and couples therapy can help those who are experiencing problems in a relationship. Premarital counseling is helpful if you are entering a relationship.
The best of the best… a master at getting to the heart of the problems effectively, working on healing trauma and fractured relationships, and provides concrete and substantive recommendations for moving forward.
The best. Saved my son’s life, literally.
My husband and I went to The Arlington Center over the course of a few months for marriage counseling. My husband liked our therapist. We found her to be compassionate and warm. She was encouraging and provided a time and space for us to get our marriage back on track. We plan on returning for our future marriage tune-ups.
As I have worked in recovery group and one-on-one, I have benefited from the transparency, skill and deep caring. I am a better husband, father and man because of the guidance and influence.
Small Purple Hippos
I was shopping in a fun boutique in Saugatuck not long ago, admiring the unique clothing, jewelry, and home décor. As I was browsing, I spotted this small purple hippopotamus. He had white polka dots and an impish face, and just looking at him made me smile. I...
My kids and husband just got home from a super fun vacation to visit their grandparents in Vermont. The trip back involved about 19 hours in a truck. Nineteen hours in a truck with three kids, one adult, and a dog. They busted out of the truck like their lives...
Today is the most gloriously beautiful day. It’s warm, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the tree outside my window has tiny green buds on it. Spring is here. This tends to be the time of year when our collective mental health starts to improve. People...