Psychological Testing/
Learning Disability Evaluations


The Arlington Center provides psychological, psychoeducational, premarital, vocational, and attention deficit assessments for children, adolescents, college students, and adults.

Psychological testing can be used to aid the client with diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations that can be provided to a wide variety of collaterals including therapists, physicians and for academic settings. Testing is also used to better understand personality and interests for career exploration, as well as useful in the counseling setting for relationship issues (marital/couples or premarital counseling).

Evaluations are performed by:

  • Brad Olson, Psy. D., M. Div., Licensed Clinical Psychologist: 847- 577- 4530, Ext.115
  • Jacob Hines, Psy. D.: 847- 577- 4530, Ext.119
  • Shannon Linsley, Psy. D.: 847-577-4530, Ext.123


Types of evaluations offered

  • ADHD Evaluations
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Mental Health/Clinical or Diagnostic Assessments
  • Health and Behavior Assessment for Bariatric Surgery Candidates
  • Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
  • Critical Risk Assessment for school re-entry (grade school – college)
  • Pre-Marital Counseling
  • Ability and Achievement Testing for services or accommodations in academic settings
  • Career/Vocational Counseling

Psychological assessments typically combine individual interviews and testing to gather information about one’s cognitive abilities, personality structure, as well as diagnosis and treatment needs. A typical test battery may consist of: a clinical interview, a Wechsler test of cognitive abilities (WISC-IV, WAIS-IV or WASI), a standardized personality test (Personality Assessment Inventory—PAI or MMPI-2 /MMPI-A), and projective testing (Such as the Thematic Apperception Test). The amount of testing that goes into each individual’s assessment is guided by the referral and diagnostic questions. As such, your provider will determine the appropriate clinical tests needed for assessment. Psychological Assessment and Diagnostic reports are completed in 1-2 weeks from the end of testing.

We provide assessments of learning disabilities in Reading, Writing and Mathematics, and processing deficits such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Nonverbal Learning Disability disability and attention (NVLD). All of our learning deficit test reports meet the documentation guidelines for accommodations on the following examination: ACT, SAT, and GRE.

Our comprehensive assessments include tests of (a) cognitive abilities and functions (WISC-IV, WAIS-V), (b) academic achievement (WJ III-Achievement or WIAT-2), (c) behavior and personality screening (checklists), (d) executive function and attention (BRIEF questionnaires, Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure, the Conner’s Continuous Performance Test), and (e) at least 1 clinical-developmental interview. Additional personality testing may be added to ADHD and NVLD assessments when greater understanding of functioning is warranted.

The interview and testing sessions require 7-8 hours, which can be broken up into 2 or 3 sessions, depending on availability of client and clinician. Psycho-educational assessment reports are completed generally in 1-3 weeks from the final session of testing.



Psychological Testing fees vary depending on the needs, referral question, instruments used, and required documentation. Typically, testing services are billed at $200 per hour, including the initial diagnostic interview, one-on-one testing, scoring, interpreting tests, reviewing records, and writing a report.

Generally, a full L.D. evaluation runs from 8-12 clinical hours. Psychological Evaluations can range from 6-8 hours depending on the referral questions and required documentation.


While each client is held responsible for payment of services, many insurance companies include psychological testing in their benefits. For most clients, payment is expected at the time of service; however, payment plans are often accepted. Clients with Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans will have their insurance billed directly (apart from co-payments).

We accept cash, check, credit card, and HSA/FSA cards for payment.